Cemetery Photographs

The best photographs of Spanish and international cemeteries.
Posts Tagged ‘Bulnes’

Cemetery of Bulnes, Asturias

Bulnes is a village of 23 inhabitants in the municipality of Cabrales from which there is a view of Pico Urriellu (the mythical Naranjo de Bulnes), which has an altitude of 2,519 meters.

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Cemetery of Bulnes

Bulnes is 650 meters above sea level and until a few years ago it could only be reached on foot. In order to fix the isolation in 2001 the Bulnes funicular was opened. It runs through a tunnel of 2,227 meters long and 4.5 wide with a slope of nearly 20%, and leads to the village in seven minutes.

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Cemetery of Bulnes

Formerly the cemetery was roofed in order to be able to bury in winter due to the heavy snowfall that troubled the already unpleasant task. 


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Cemetery of Bulnes

The cemetery of Bulnes is the poorest I’ve ever seen. Some graves are marked with crosses which are only two sticks of wood bound with a wire with the name of the deceased painted on by brush.

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Cemetery of Bulnes